What first attracted me to P&C placements was the fact that I had successfully grown up my 5 children by myself and don’t get me wrong sometimes it was a struggle, not only juggling work, school as well as making sure that my children were safe at all times and staying on the right path, but seeing so many young ladies, still children themselves, having babies and having no support behind them was so heart breaking.
Although I was already a foster carer, I decided that a lot of these young ladies needed motherly help to not only help them but give them that kind of love and support that only a mother can give to show them – that someone cares enough to help them keep their child. I’ve had many P&C placements and have had many mothers going home with their child because I showed them that no matter how hard things are, they can succeed.
My expectations of having another adult in our home and having to not only tell them how to do things the right way, but to show them without taking over to much, however also allowing them to try and be a mother at first, was at first a difficult task. It had it challenges but setting boundaries from the start helped me to manage.
What I felt was the most rewarding is seeing the young person succeed and leave with their child, knowing that I had given them that sense of belonging and giving them a chance to prove that they can be good parents.
The most difficult and frustrating aspects of the placement was trying to help a mother who failed, to try and help themselves, but no matter how much you tried to show them to right way, they just wanted to give up and walk away from their child and not come back and try. I always remined them not on my watch.
One of the most heart-warming aspects for me is seeing a parent leave our home and return to let you know how much they appreciated the help and guidance that you gave them to make the right choices for them and their child.
For me there is nothing that I would do any differently, just show them that there is always light at the end of the tunnel and that you can make it.
Gloria & Ronald, Foster Carers
Parent and child fostering is an important way to safeguard children whilst keeping them with their parents during a time of assessment, and the need for this type of placement is high.
We are currently recruiting foster carers in all our regions. If you are interested in exploring become a parent and child foster carer please contact us on our live chat / email [email protected] or ring 0345 222 0518