Broken Butterflies

Editors Note: The following poem is written by a care leaver about self harm. The butterflies are the blades. This is not a glorification of self harm but one person’s representation of her personal experience. Broken Butterflies fly away into the dark flutter your wings to hide all your scars fly through the thorns to…

Welcome to UK Fostering

“UK Fostering is an independent fostering agency and was set up by a team of dedicated professionals who are passionate about changing the lives of children. We provide children and local authorities with fully trained, compassionate and competent foster care, when they need it most. Together, we quite literally change lives.”

Who Sleeps Tonight?

One evening several years ago my wife and I were watching a television programme about kids and my wife spoke about her aunt who had fostered and how she always wanted to do this. My brother was fostered then adopted so it was in my background so I said we can look into it when…

Trauma Anniversaries

What is a trauma ‘anniversary’ and what does it mean for those caring for children who have had a difficult, often traumatic start in life? Our body and brains ability to store trauma so that key events can trigger a reaction without us knowing why is linked to our primitive survival response. We remember how…