Chelsea’s Choice: The reality of CSE

Before entering into the social care sector, I had no idea what CSE was and initially I found myself thinking the same as many would think – “CSE doesn’t happen in our area” “My child wouldn’t let that happen” “I would know if they were being exploited” So let’s start with the basics – what is CSE? By government definition…

Domestic abuse and the impact on a child

What is Domestic abuse to you? Most people believe that domestic abuse is being physically hit by a person, well you will be shocked to read that it’s a great deal more than that! Domestic abuse incorporates various strands of abusive behaviour and that includes Physical, Emotional/Psychological, Sexual, Financial, Coercive (being intimidated, isolated from family…

What’s going wrong in 2018

It’s April and it’s 2018 and you’d be forgiven for wondering what was going wrong in UK Society. The media all of a sudden appear to be picking up on stabbings and murders in London. 80% the population are disturbed with this seemingly ‘new’ trend and 20% are wondering why, all of a sudden, we…

The Role of IRO’s

I admit I have been critical of IRO’s in the past but only because I know how important they are. I can, for example, refer to the time when I asked an IRO what she thought about a local authority policy that was clearly not in the best interests of the child and contrary to…

The Description and the Reality

I stood on the edge of Delamere Forest in Cheshire on Saturday waiting for a Den building group of foster families and children to join me and the park ranger to learn what to do should you ever get stranded in a forest with no tent. Although my team is responsible for the placing of…

Children and Politics

I remember a time when I was told that politics should be understood by the young because the young would one day be the current and the current are the ones that vote and make a difference to the world. I have on many occasions suggested to young people and my peers that have not…