The Undecover Foster Carer

I don’t know if it’s the same for everyone, but I always feel very excited when a placement call comes through. The snippets of information you get about a child or young person that could come into your home and heart always get me thinking. The problem is that the referral that follows usually include…

A Travellers Tale

My earliest memories are quite good my reason for this is that I am from a travelling community and I have travelled a lot. It all started most in a house some in a caravan on the back roads of nowhere. I might as well call myself a traveller as I have seem most parts…

Left Ear & Ear Right

Left Ear And Ear Right I have these for listening, Left ear and ear right, Plus the bit in the middle, That struggles at night. The left ear is listening, To a whispering word, The right ear hears different, And all seems absurd. The bit in the middle, Well let’s call it ME, Is locked…

Fostering Patience

Fostering Patience It’s Monday again and to be honest I seething, The meeting’s been cancelled and the little one’s teething, I need a decision; it was needed last week, It’s a struggle I tell you, to be smiley and meek. They say to be calm and to focus on child, But I’d like them to…

Acronyms, Labels & People

Acronyms, Labels and People Following on from a comment on one of our Facebook threads we decided to throw out to the Facebook world what they thought about the term LAC (Looked After Child) and the issue of labelling children in care. We were met with a sizeable response which included many opinions and views…