Parent & Child Assessment Placements

Is parent & child (also known as mother & baby) fostering something that you had heard about and thought ‘I wonder what that is?’ or perhaps this is a term that is totally new to you?  Hopefully we will be able to answer some of your queries below! Parent & child fostering is a type…

Foster Carer To UK Fostering Staff

I joined UK Fostering only a few weeks before the lockdown hit and like so many others who have started jobs since the pandemic and been working from home, I had to get to know colleagues and foster carers in more challenging circumstances; by the wonderful world of Zoom, Teams, WhatsApp or similar, which of…

Step Down To Fostering

Our North West Team are excited to tell you about the continued success of the Step Down To Fostering programme in our region.  We have been able to several children match and young people who are needing that a lot of extra support, with foster carers who have the right skills to care for and…

Playday Campaign

This Thursday, 5th August, is Playday 2021 and is a great chance to put aside chores, homework and other boring stuff and spend the day enjoying games, fun and silliness. Giving children, and of course, older young people, time and space to play is so important.  Due to recent lockdowns and social distancing restrictions, and…

What Are We Doing To Our Young People?

It seems a while ago now that we watched three young men aged 19, 21, 23 years take part in the penalty shootout for their (and my) country, England.  Along with all the other penalty takers on that evening, I can only imagine the guts that took. Like many, I have been thinking back over…

What Makes A Great Foster Carer?

I’m sure that when people start considering fostering the first questions that they ask of themselves are: Am I the right kind of person to become a foster carer? Do I have the right skills and experience to help children? Our dedicated team speak to interested people every day who come from a variety of…