Father’s Day 2021

This Sunday, 20th June 2021, is Father’s Day – a time to reflect on being a father (or a father figure such as a foster carer) and what our own fathers mean to us. But what is the history of the day itself? – according to the Metro newspaper: “Father’s Day has been celebrated among…

Refugee Week 2021 – Supporting Asylum Seeking Children

Unfortunately, the discussions in the UK around refugees has become highly politicalised and emotive in the last few years leading to increasingly vocal hostility towards those fleeing their homelands and lack of sympathy for their plight.  Britain has previously however been much more open to supporting refugees e.g., Jews escaping Nazi Germany, Asian Ugandans fleeing…

Water Safety

Now that the weather has warmed up and lockdown in most areas is easing, people are looking to get out and about in, on or around water.  I love a good paddle as much as the next person, however there is always a place for a timely reminder to do so safely.  The Royal Life…

Gay Pride 2021

The sun is out, and lockdown has eased (slightly), just in time as June is Pride month celebrating LGBTQ+ people and communities as well as raising awareness of issues affecting LGBTQ+ people in the UK and around the world. Pride is held in June to mark the anniversary of the Stonewall riots, a series of…

Child Safety & Accident Prevention

Child Safety Week is run by Child Accident Prevention Trust (CAPT) to raise awareness of the risks of child accidents and how they can be prevented.   This year it takes place between 7th and 13th June 2021. When looking up information about common accidents in the home it can be quite alarming, and you…

You Volunteer But Could You Foster?

It is currently Volunteers Week which takes place 1st to 7th June every year, recognising and celebrating the fantastic contribution volunteers make to our communities. If you are already volunteering or considering becoming a volunteer as you are looking for an opportunity so do more, then please do also consider fostering. Whilst being a foster…