Why do foster children need their own bedroom?

This is a question that arises frequently from potential foster carers; hopefully the blog below will help you understand the need for foster children and your own children to have separate bedrooms. Most young people placed into the home of foster carers have been subjected to neglect, a lack of healthy, nurturing love and often…

Coronavirus Update UK Fostering

Dear Foster Carers, The impact of the Coronavirus is being felt in our families and communities across the UK and all over the world. I can reassure you that the UK Fostering Team will continue to everything we can to support and guide you through these difficult times. Since my last email to you just…

Single and Fostering

Fostering was something that only amazing couples and families did to help young people in need and not something a single person did. Especially a 60 year old! At least that is what I thought until about a year ago, when I was helping a recently arrived young refugee. He had been travelling on his…

Mythbusting – being gay and fostering

If you’re like us – two gay guys, who have always loved interacting with our nieces and nephews and friends’ kids, but never had the desire to have children of our own, if you’ve got a spare room in your house and time to commit – then fostering can fill that gap in your lives…

What does Fostering really Entail?

Foster care: what does it really mean? You might know it happens, but do you really know what it entails? Fortunately for myself, I grew up with the best friend whose single mum was a carer. At that time, she cared for two beautiful young brothers. I grew extremely attached to the boys, and at…

Fostering in a Bubble

It’s Foster Care Fortnight 2019 and my 15th or 16th year working in the sector. It’s been so long I’m allowed to not quite remember when I started! Fostering remains one of the most amazing things anyone can do or at least one of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen someone do. I have…