Top 5 Foster Care Qualities

5 Must Have Foster Carer Qualities Patience How long does it take to process trauma? How do you undo years and years of neglect and fear? There is no timeframe. Children will develop at their own speed. They simply need foster carers that will walk alongside them through the process and have realistic expectations as…

Separation of Siblings

As a contact supervisor I have witnessed many sad situations, especially at the times when children have to say a last goodbye to their birth parents before being placed for adoption. Although upsetting for all, I have to believe that the correct decision has been made and that the child’s best interest has always been…

My First Two Weeks At UK Fostering

My First Two Week as Placement and Recruitment Assistant at UK Fostering – Rachel Lindfield During these first two weeks at UK Fostering, I have learnt a staggering amount about the agency, the foster carers and foster children currently supported by UK Fostering. My role revolves around the placement of children into foster families and…

Top 5 free things to do with kids

Following our Facebook post yesterday and the responses we received we have collated the Top 5 free things to do with kids. (Inherently subjective we know) Forest walks Modern life is full of stressful situations for adults as well as for children: A report needs to be in by Wednesday, the coursework in by Tuesday,…

Holiday costs, fines & opportunities

There has been plenty of discussion in the media recently on the subject of holidays being considerably cheaper if taken during school term time and the fines being levied against parents for taking their children out of school. There is another group of families that also find themselves affected and have even less sway to…