International Literacy Day – 8th Sept 2021

Today is International Literacy Day – a day to highlight the importance of literacy throughout society, on both an individual and community basis.  This event is celebrated each year on 8th September and was started by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO).  They say: “Since 1967, International Literacy Day (ILD) celebrations have taken place…

Could You Foster A Refugee Child?

I’m sure that you have all seen the news in relation to the situation in Afghanistan, and that our government has pledged to offer asylum to Afghans, particularly those from minority groups, women and girls. Although the majority of referrals are for teenage males, we are expecting that foster homes will be required for the…

Paralympics 2020

Following the success of the Tokyo Olympics, this week has seen the start of the 16th Summer Paralympics Games. Team GB are already having great success in a variety of events, despite the ongoing Covid restrictions! Competitors with a variety of disabilities are competing in 22 different sports (see links below for more information on…

National Burger Day – 26th August 2021

Most of us love a burger, especially when homemade with all the toppings that we like! This Thursday is National Burger Day in the UK so why not celebrate by throwing a few burgers on the BBQ! Why not cook some that you have made yourself? Making (and assembling) burgers are quite an easy way…

Our UK Fostering North East Office is Outstanding!

Well to be honest we already knew that our passionate, dedicated North East Team were outstanding, but this has now also been confirmed in their Ofsted Inspection! The Ofsted inspection, required every 3 years under the Social Care Common Inspection Framework (SCCIF), took place in early July this year and the report has just been…

Parent & Child Assessment Placements

Is parent & child (also known as mother & baby) fostering something that you had heard about and thought ‘I wonder what that is?’ or perhaps this is a term that is totally new to you?  Hopefully we will be able to answer some of your queries below! Parent & child fostering is a type…

Foster Carer To UK Fostering Staff

I joined UK Fostering only a few weeks before the lockdown hit and like so many others who have started jobs since the pandemic and been working from home, I had to get to know colleagues and foster carers in more challenging circumstances; by the wonderful world of Zoom, Teams, WhatsApp or similar, which of…