Ramadan & Eid Al-Fitr

We are currently in the holy month of Ramadan which is one of the most important dates in the Islamic calendar. Ramadan The month of Ramadan celebrates that the Qu’ran (Koran), which is the Islamic sacred book, was revealed to the Prophet Mohammed during this time. The word Ramadan is from the Arabic word for…

Stress Awareness Month

What is Stress? To help young people make sense of stress, the Children’s Society has shared the following: “Stress is caused when things in life get too much. You might feel pressure about a school exam or a race you have to run in. If you can learn to cope with these pressures, you can…

Mothering Sunday – Children in Foster Care

Mothering Sunday, also known as Mother’s Day (which is actually taken from a US celebration day at a different time of year, but I digress) is approaching, but what are the origins of the celebration? “Mothering Sunday is a day honouring mothers and mother churches, celebrated in the United Kingdom, Ireland and some Commonwealth countries on the fourth Sunday in Lent since the Middle Ages. On…

Embracing a Child’s Roots

Welcoming a child into your home is a very courageous act that I believe is one of the most heart-warming and personal ways to make a direct difference in a child’s life. Very often, children who are in need of a safe place, are placed with carers who are of a different race, and possibly…

My Parents Want To Foster!

So, they are thinking about becoming foster carers – what does this mean to you? We know how important it is to let you know what fostering is about, and how it may affect you, so we hope the information below will help 😊 What is fostering? Fostering is when a family looks after a…

Working & Fostering

Are you currently working part-time but also interested in fostering?  Perhaps you have previously enquired about fostering but as you were not at home full time you were not able to progress further. We appreciate that also for some of you it has been a very unsettling and difficult time during recent lockdowns, and you…

Long-Term Fostering or Adoption?

You may be thinking about bring a child into your home to live as part of your family, but not sure about long-term/permanent fostering or adoption. At first long term fostering can seem very similar to adoption, however it is important to remember that they are different. A child placed in long term foster care…

When Foster Children Move On

Children come into foster care for all different sorts of reasons. Some stay short-term, some stay long-term, all depending on each child’s unique circumstances and situation. Some children stay in care until they age out of foster care, and some children leave placements after a shorter period of time. Sometimes this is planned, and sometimes…