Our Team

Below you will find profiles for most of our team members. Use the arrow buttons above each category to see more, and click on the pictures to read their full profiles.

Our Team

Below you will find profiles for most of our team members. Use the arrow buttons above each category to see more, and click on the pictures to read their full profiles.

Amar Dhull


CEO / Registered Manager

Regional Director - North East / Registered Manager for UK Fostering (NE)

Director of Recruitment and Family Finding Team

Regional Director Midlands

Regional Director North West

Regional Director South East

Head of Operations

Assessment Manager

Assessment Manager

Sonia Sandiford - UK Fostering

Assessment Manager

Team Manager - North West

Team Manager - Midlands


Team Manager - South East

Senior Practitioner

Senior Social Worker

Supervising Social Worker

Supervising Social Worker

Supervising Social Worker

Senior Social Worker

Senior Supervising Social Worker

Senior Supervising Social Worker

Senior Social Worker

Senior Social Worker

Suzanne Moore Uk fostering

Supervising Social Worker

Supervising Social Worker

Supervising Social Worker

Senior Supervising Social Worker

Supervising Social Worker

Justine - Uk Fostering

Supervising Social Worker

Mariam ukfostering

Supervising Social Worker

Youth Support Worker

Youth Support Worker

Youth Support Worker

Business Development Manager


Family Finding Manager

Family Finder

Lynsey Dobbs Senior Recruitment Officer - UK Fostering

Senior Recruitment Officer

Recruitment and Family Finding Officer

Quality Assurance Officer

Specialist in special education needs (SEN)

Leaving Care Advisor

Specialist Teacher of the Deaf

Counsellor and Supervisor

Specialist Social Worker for Children with Disability

Care Leaver Advisor

Care Leaver, Trainer and Fostering Consultant to UK Fostering

Consultant Therapist